“How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace.”
Romans 10:15

The Tessin Family
The Tessins have served in Metro Manila, Philippines. Dan planted and pastored Cross and Crown Baptist Church in Manila. They have turned Cross and Crown Baptist Church over to a national pastor. They are now planting a new church on Mactan Island. The Tessins have served faithfully and their desire is to see more churches started.

The Myers Family
Rodney & Lynn Myers served as church planting missionaries in Tanzania, Africa for 13 years before relocating to the United States in May, 2017. Rodney assumed the role of General Director of the Gospel Furthering Fellowship on January 1, 2018. They have four children: Shawn, Jamison, Moriah & Cherith.

The Rickers Family
Cory and Melissa have a unique ministry in Peru. They endeavor to reach the deaf with the
Gospel. After they ministered in Lima with the EFATA ministry for over 8 years they felt led
to begin a deaf outreach ministry in Cusco, Peru. They have three daughters: Amanda,
Elaina, and Olivia.

The Tarwater Family
JB served as the Junior Church director for CCBC for over 27 when he was called to be a
church planter evangelist to the Philippines. Shortly after his call to missions, JB met and
married Marie and together they finished deputation and began their ministry in the

The Ribeiro Family
Rom and his family have been serving as church planters in Rom’s native country of Brazil.
Rom has been used by the Lord to start six thriving churches throughout the country and
has been influential in training men to lead these churches as well.

The Knickerbocker Family
The Knickerbocker family labored from 1974 until 1998 in the city of Toulouse, Southwest France, first of all in church planting with teams of missionaries, then pastoring the Central Baptist Church of Toulouse from 1979 until 1998. They started Camp Rainbow in 1980 and have been having summer camps since 1987. They started and operated a Christian school from 1993-1998 and are now involved in an itinerant ministry. Their other ministries include evangelistic and teaching meetings in French-speaking churches, translation of books, brochures, songs, directing a Bible institute, recording conservative Christian music, and managing Camp Rainbow in Larodde, France, and area evangelism while cooperating with a church in Ussez.

The Jameson Family
Ian and Cynthia have been called to reach the people of the UK. Using child evangelism as
a method to reach the parents, The Jamesons have been able to start a church in reach out
into the neighborhoods around them.

The Dare Family
James and his family have a unique ministry reaching the military here in the United
States. After serving the country as a Marine, James felt called to work with the Pensacola
Servicemens Center. The Servicemen center located near Pensacola NAS is endeavors to
provide a “home away from home” for the servicemen stationed here. Through Bible
studies, home cooked meals, and friendly outreach James has been able to see many of
the servicemen accept Christ and go on to serve the Lord.

The Hurst Family
Christopher and his wife have been able to return to his wife’s native country of the
Philippines as missionaries. Currently Christopher serves as the pastor of Metroview
Baptist church

The Warren Family
The Warren Family have recently moved almost 400 miles off of Alaska’s road system to the village of Saint Marys and have planted a new church.

Chaplain Joe Willis
Joe Willis serves as a recruiter of young men to become chaplains in the US military. After
serving the country himself as an officer, he felt called to reach the military through
recruiting and training young men through the FBFI ministry.

The Mislan Family
Jonathan and his wife Anica have returned to her native country of the Philippines to serve
as church planting missionaries. They are currently serving on their first term.