
Senior Pastor
Dr. Joseph and Debbie Davis were married on July 29th, 1989 here in Pensacola, FL. The Lord has blessed them with nine children; Joshua, Elisa, Aaron, Esther, Abigail, Emily, Phillip, Chloe, and Julia. Pastor Davis became pastor of Cross & Crown Baptist in August of 1990. Pastor Davis holds a B.A, M.A, and a Ph.D from Pensacola Christian College. Their family has been faithfully serving the Lord for over thirty years.

Associate Pastor
Steve & Becka Mowers
Steve and Beka Mowers have served here at Cross & Crown Baptist for over forteen years. In the beginning, Pastor Mowers and his wife helped as youth leaders for eight years. On January of 2017, Steve became our associate pastor. Beka is the Children’s choir director. They both bring energy and enthusiasm in all aspects of ministry.

Children's Church Leader
Andy Saltonstall
Andy leads the Power Church every Sunday morning at 11:00 a.m. In his role, he teaches 1st through 6th graders messages and songs about Jesus Christ. His love for them and his excitement for the Lord shows in his students.

Youth Leaders
Logan & Abigail Fabrizio
Logan and Abigail have served as our Youth Leaders since October of 2022. Logan and Abigail bring excitement and love for youth to the ministry. Abigail is the daughter of Pastor Joseph and Debbie Davis.